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BCC Staff & Leadership

The staff and leadership here at BCC is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them.

About Pastors and Elders

Bethlehem Community Church is led by Elders who mutually submit to one another under the headship of Christ. The purpose and function of an Elder is to willingly shepherd the congregation and equip the body. The qualifications of an Elder are found primarily in two passages of Scripture: 1 Timothy 3: 1-7, Titus 1:5-9.

The primary purpose of the Elders is to prayerfully, carefully, and deliberately discern God’s will; and act in unity while communicating the truth in love to the congregation and the community. The unity of spirit and truth is essential for the proper functioning of the Elders, which is why BCC is governed and functions by the plurality of Elders. The plurality of Eldership provides for biblical accountability, as well as wisdom, balance and burden sharing.

The Bible refers to the term Elder and Pastor as synonymous, given to men called into the service of overseeing, leading, and teaching the church. Pastors are Elders that have been called, selected, raised up and ordained for the work of ministry, usually vocationally. They are gifted by the Holy Spirit for specific ministry in the body. Pastors do not possess any greater authority than any other Elder. Each pastor oversees differing areas of ministry in accordance with the gifts the Lord has given them, as well as the needs of the church.


Geoffrey Ekstein


Our Elders

Michael Hannay


Peter Siciliano


Mike Keel


Chris Luciano
