Scrolling Scripture Highlighter

Our Vision:

Gather. Grow. Go.


We GATHER together to:

  • Worship passionately
  • Pray fervently
  • Seek earnestly

We are meant to be in community. We are designed for relationship. As we gather, we worship together passionately, we pray fervently for one another as we earnestly seek a deeper relationship with Jesus, each other, and the world around us.


We GROW together as we:

  • Connect deeply
  • Equip intentionally
  • Encourage genuinely

We grow in our knowledge of and relationship with our Risen Savior. As we connect deeply with the God who created us and with our church family, we are equipped intentionally as disciples of Christ, and encouraged genuinely to apply the Word of God to our lives.


We GO together as we:

  • Serve humbly
  • Give generously
  • Engage purposefully.

Jesus gave His church the mission to make disciples as we go. Our desire is to serve the church, the community and one another humbly; to give generously of our time, talent and resources to the furtherance of the Gospel; and to engage in the ministry of Christ intentionally and purposefully.