Scrolling Scripture Highlighter


Helps | Outreach | Ministry | Engage

When we come to faith in Christ, we become adopted as children of God, making us brothers and sisters - family. As a family, church should be our home - the place that we come to find rest, peace, joy, safety, support, and love. When we experience church as our home, we are driven to help one another and participate in the life of the church family. HOME@BCC is an invitation to make BCC your home.

  • Helps
  • Outreach
  • Ministry
  • Engage


Helps: To Meet the Need

There is perhaps no greater example of the proper functioning of the church than when we can come alongside of and serve one another. Helps encourages the gifts of encouragement, service, and support to assist those inside and outside of our church family with needs such as meals, visitation, and transportation. Helps also allows those with gifts and abilities to assist in the maintenance and support of the church property such as landscaping, building maintenance, and construction.



Outreach: To Proclaim the Gospel

In Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus gives us the Great Commission, in which He tells us to make disciples of all nations. Outreach encompasses what other churches refer to as Missions, as well as our focus on evangelism. Our call to share Jesus with all those He places before us is something that we take seriously. Our desire is to encourage participation with our Outreach Partners, and to join together as we take Jesus’ call to share our faith seriously.

Outreach Partners



Ministry: To Teach the Truth

Youth Ministry

Truth matters. Jesus said: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” Our greatest responsibility as a church is to train up, teach, and encourage living life in the knowledge of the Lord. To understand truth, we must understand God’s Word, which means that the Bible must be our source for all that we endeavor to do as a church. All our Ministry activities focus upon training up, teaching and encouraging walking in the knowledge of the Lord; this includes from our youngest children to our most senior adults. Our desire is to grow into the good Bereans of Acts 17, who were eager to hear God’s Word and examined the scriptures to ensure they understood truth.



Engage: To Serve the Body

As a family, we love to be together. This includes our Sunday Worship Service, as well as special events, meals, as well as other activities inside and outside of the church. Just like any family event we have outside of church, there is a lot that goes into making sure that the event is successful. Engage is the opportunity to join with others in serving the church family by using your gifts to coordinate events, help prepare food, welcome people to the church, or helping to ensure that everyone is safe, comfortable, and loved in our church home.


Sermon launching HOME@BCC on May 07, 2023

Geoff Ekstein (Pastor/Elder)

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace... whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies - in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To Him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."

1 Peter 4:10-11